Thursday, June 21, 2007

Today's Events

Not a hugely exciting day...I made about 125 t-shirts today! The kids played fairly well together. The most excitement we can report today was the bike ride to Jonah Minstries to deliver some of the t-shirts and ate watermelon and returned home via bikes in the hottest part of the day! The breeze made it bearable though. Oh and the kids got to go to Robin's house (A very nice lady in our church) and Janessa saw crawdads in the creek and some rock creature that she insists daddy told her about but she had never had the pleasure of spotting until this very night!!! AND Micah VOLUNTARILY pulled himself away from the much loved and coveted video game (after only 20 minutes) that he LOVES to play whenever he goes to Robin's house...he was obeying my request that he not play the video game the entire time he is at their house. I got to go grocery shopping without a million and one questions, comments, and fights. And Hood River now sports a Pizzicato...which I treated myself to as payment for all my hard work of grocery shopping, doing the laundry, etc...

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